- En aquest nivell l'alumne començarà la transició d'A2 a B1.
- El contingut del curs continua sent funcional i s'ha centrat completament en la millora de la independència dels estudiants en totes les àrees.
- L'alumne s'introdueix als usos contrastants dels temps, com el present continu per a plans futurs.
- Igual que amb els altres blocs del curs, hi ha una pràctica de pronunciació freqüent i l'alumne té exposició a sons llargs i curts, corregir els finals regulars passats, així com la pràctica general de vocabulari a nivell de frases.
- L'ús d'una varietat d'exercicis abasta diferents estils d'aprenentatge, així com garanteix una cobertura exhaustiva dels temes.
- El bloc consisteix en una sèrie d'exercicis interactius com l'associació de la imatge de paraules, la comprensió i escoltar amb diàlegs curts i realistes i la pràctica d'escoltar amb els elements del vocabulari.
DURACIÓ: 60 Hores
PREU: 295 €
- Bonificable a través del crèdit de formació de l'empresa FUNDAE.
- Possibilitat de ser tutoritzat on inclou tres sesions en videoconferència de 45min amb el tutor (cost del servei 155€)
Unit 1
In this unit students learn:
- To discuss the present, past and future using suitable verb tenses.
- Terminology related to trips, means of transport and daily routines.
- Students also practise listening, reading comprehension and dub a short fragment of a film.
Unit 2
In this unit students learn:
- To express possession.
- Talk about the recent past using present perfect tense.
- To discuss the weather and vocabulary related to the climate and temperature.
- Phrases useful for travelling, e.g. pack a suitcase.
Unit 3
In this unit students learn:
- To express duration, movement, agreement and disagreement.
- Talk about their emotions and feelings.
- To use for and since with present perfect.
- How to place adverbs in perfect tenses and prepositions of movement.
- Difference in meaning between been and gone.
Unit 4
In this unit students learn:
- To express quantity using quantifiers such as too much/too many, a lot and not enough.
- New vocabulary related to pieces of clothing.
- How to use yet, still, never, already.
- The expression Have you ever…? to talk about life experiences.
Unit 5
In this unit students learn:
- To discuss the past using both past simple and present perfect.
- Verbal periphrasis such as to just + infinitive, as well as time expressions such as it’s been.
- To describe objects, different places and buildings in a city and items found in these locations.
- Vocabulary related to shapes, materials and professions.
Unit 6
- In this unit students revise the content of the course, consolidate their knowledge of past simple and present perfect and learn the pronouns something, anything and nothing.
- They also learn expressions such as to look like, to make a decision and to be made of.
Unit 7
In this unit students:
- Practise their pronunciation through a series of interactive activities, in which they listen and repeat.
- Enhance their listening skills.
- Revise the vocabulary related to travelling, camping, fabrics and clothing.
- Improve their reading and writing skills, e.g. doing a dictation.
Unit 8
- In this unit students practise all the language skills, learn to name foods and supermarket sections and give directions.
Unit 9
- This unit focuses on the topic of clothes shopping.
- Students revise vocabulary related to patterns, designs and fabrics.
- They also have to ask for specific pieces of clothing in a clothes shop and answer a series of questions related to a text about winter sports.