- En aquest primer nivell de cinc, l’alumne aprendrà les eines fonamentals per comunicar-se en anglès, portant l’alumne del nivell 0 al nivell A1 del nivell bàsic d’usuari del CEFR (Common European Framework of reference).
- Tot i que s’introdueix l’ús correcte de l’article indefinit, els pronoms del subjecte i la sintaxi bàsica incloent el verb ‘ser’ i l’alfabet, el bloc cobreix funcions que inclouen: salutacions i introduccions, nacionalitats, a través d’exercicis contextuals significatius.
- A més d’introduir les estructures essencials i el vocabulari necessari per parlar sobre els temes esmentats, s’anima a l’alumne a practicar la pronunciació des del principi.
- Amb l’ajuda d’un parlant natiu, els elements de vocabulari i el model de frases es poden escoltar i simular.
DURACIÓ: 60 Hores
PREU: 295 €
- Bonificable a través del crèdit de formació de l’empresa FUNDAE.
- Possibilitat de ser tutoritzat, on inclou tres sesions en videoconferència de 45min amb el tutor (cost del servei 155€/curs).
Unit 1
In this unit students learn:
- Greetings, introductions and talking about oneself.
- English alphabet.
- Numbers from 1-10.
- Verb ‘to be’ in the present simple tense.
Unit 2
In this unit students learn:
- To introduce themselves asking and responding about age and personal information.
- Vocabulary related to family and home.
- Cardinal numbers from 10 to 100.
- Contracted forms of the verb ‘to be’.
Unit 3
In this unit students learn:
- Countries and nationalities in English.
- Question words: who, what, when, where, whose, which, why and how.
- Quantifiers a/an, the article the and the connectors also/too.
- Use personal pronouns as a subject.
- To talk about people’s origins and professions.
Unit 4
In this unit students learn:
- To excuse themselves and ask for forgiveness.
- Terminology about professions.
- Negative and interrogative form of the verb to be in present simple.
- Demonstratives this/these and the formation of plural nouns.
Unit 5
- In this unit students revise what they have studied in units 1,2,3 and 4.
Unit 6
In this unit students learn:
- Terminology and useful phrases used at the airport and customs, during a flight and when talking on the phone.
- About the different payment forms.
- To describe weather.
Students revise:
- Resent simple tense and determiners this/these and that/those.
Unit 7
In this unit students learn:
- To communicate and interact at the airport.
- To associate countries and nationalities.
- To talk about ways to pay and time.
- To ask and give directions.
- Vocabulary used in an airport and when travelling by planes.
- Imperative forms.
- How to tell the time in English.
Unit 8
In this unit students learn:
- Terminology and useful phrases used at duty free shops in an airport and when boarding a flight.
- Different procedures to follow at the boarding gate.
Students also:
- Revise present simple tense and prepositions of place.
- Improve their speaking skills by recording and answering a series of questions posed by the teacher related to meeting people.
Unit 9
In this unit students learn:
- Terminology and useful phrases used in a job interview and when renting a house.
- Vocabulary for phone conversations, talking about jobs, family and parts of a house.
Students also:
- Practise their listening, reading, writing and listening skills.