- En aquest bloc, l’alumne consolidarà el nivell A1 continuarà la transició d’A1 a A2 des de Breakthrough a Waystage.
- El contingut del curs continua sent funcional i s’ha centrat completament en la millora de la independència dels estudiants en totes les àrees.
- En aquest bloc, l’alumne s’introdueix als verbs modals d’habilitat, preposicions esteses, així com les formes simples actuals de molts verbs comuns.
- L’ús d’una varietat d’exercicis abasta diferents estils d’aprenentatge, així com garanteix una cobertura exhaustiva dels temes.
- El bloc consisteix en una sèrie d’exercicis interactius com l’associació de la imatge de paraules, la comprensió d’escoltar amb diàlegs curts i realistes i la pràctica d’escoltar amb els elements de vocabulari.
DURACIÓ: 60 Hores
PREU: 295 €
- Bonificable a través del crèdit de formació de l’empresa FUNDAE.
- Possibilitat de ser tutoritzat, on inclou tres sesions en videoconferència de 45min amb el tutor (cost del servei 155€/curs).
Unit 1
In this unit students learn:
- To express permission and ability.
- To participate in a telephone conversation.
- New words related to clothing.
- Modal verbs (can, be able, have to).
- Prepositions of place such as over, on and in.
Unit 2
In this unit students learn:
- To describe people’s appearance.
- Talk about clothes, months, years and age.
- Spelling of numbers.
- The correct order regarding adjectives.
Unit 3
In this unit students learn:
- To express frequency, location and possession.
- Vocabulary to talk about interpersonal relationships between people and their relatives.
- Names of the most common food and beverages.
- The verb have got.
- Prepositions of place: on, under, next to, in front of.
Unit 4
In this unit students revise: the verb have got, expressions to talk about family, to describe people physically, give directions, talk about places, cities and ask for personal information.
Unit 5
In this unit students learn:
- To express prohibitions.
- To warn or notify.
- Parts of the body.
- More vocabulary to describe people and places: home, furniture, months etc.
- The imperative mode in negative sentences.
- Expressions: both, some, enough, many, few and a lot of.
Unit 6
This unit includes linguistic immersion practice in which students have to deal with real situations, at the airport and at the hotel among others.
The unit finishes with a test to review and consolidate all the language skills acquired in the unit.
Unit 7
In this unit students practise all the language skills and attend a recorded class in which a teacher asks about eating out and they must record their answers.
Students receive feedback thanks to the voice-recognition system.
Unit 8
In this unit students learn more vocabulary about food and beverages and useful expressions that can be used at the restaurant.
Students also listen to a conversation of a couple going to the restaurant.
Unit 9
In this unit students practise all the language skills and learn vocabulary about hotel facilities.
Students also listen to a conversation of a hotel guest with the receptionist at the moment of checking in and out.
The unit finishes with an End-of-module test.