- En aquest nivell l’alumne completarà l’encreuament de B2/pre-C1 a un nivell d’usuari C1.
- El contingut del curs continua sent funcional i es centra completament en la millora de la independència en totes les àrees, motivant a l’alumne a familiaritzar-se amb temes diversos com la famíliai les qüestions laborals.
- Pel que fa a les estructures gramaticals, hi haurà una revisió i extensió continuades de les estructures en tots els temps, centrant-se en els temps futurs per a parlar d’accions completades o previstes en el futur.
- Les habilitats productives i receptives s’estenen amb verbs , expressions idiomàtiques, la diferència entre vocabulari britànic i americà, fent prediccions i parlant de plans futurs, oferint, suggerints.
- Igual que amb els altres blocs del curs, hi ha una pràctica de pronunciació freqüent i l’alumne té exposició a sons llargs i curts, sons de vocal, contraccions, així com vocabulari general i pràctica.
- L’ús d’una varietat d’exercicis comporta diferents estils d’aprenentatge, així com garantir una cobertura exhaustiva dels temes.
- El bloc consisteix en una sèrie d’exercicis interactius com l’associació de la imatge de paraules, la comprensió d’escoltar amb diàlegs curts i realistes, la transformació de frases, la detecció i correcció d’errors i la pràctica dirigida per l’estudiant amb elements de vocabulari.
DURACIÓ: 60 Hores
PREU: 295 €
- Bonificable a través del crèdit de formació de l’empresa FUNDAE.
- Possibilitat de ser tutoritzat, on inclou tres sesions en videoconferència de 45min amb el tutor (cost del servei 155€/curs).
Unit 1
In this unit students:
- Expand the structures and vocabulary from the previous level.
Learn new vocabulary such as on the dole; in a rut, to get the gist etc. - Revise verbs tenses.
- Learn uses of get and prepositions collocated with verbs.
- Practise their listening skills.
Unit 2
In this unit students:
- Learn new vocabulary, e.g. hardship, recall, to write on account of.
- Practise differences between verb tenses: past simple and continuous; present perfect simple and continuous and past perfect simple and continuous as well used to versus would for past habits.
- Check how to address people with the correct titles and give appropriate responses as well as revise useful expressions such as let me introduce you to or I’d like you to meet.
- Attend a class where the teacher speaks only English. They must interact in discussions about relationships and common house situations. The system evaluates their answers, e.g. pronunciation and writing.
Unit 3
In this unit students:
- Revise the differences between present perfect simple and continuous and use of often, still, yet, just as well as time markers: for, since, during.
- Consolidate the correct use of articles: a/an, the and zero article.
- Learn new vocabulary related to theatre, letters to the editor, geographical names and location reference.
- Learn idiomatic expressions such as to get the bug for something.
Unit 4
In this unit students:
- Revise uses of will and shall.
- Consolidate their knowledge of future tenses to make promises, predictions, offers and suggestions.
- Learn phrasal verbs, e.g. to go ahead with, to get hold of etc.
- Take part in a discussion about law and learn necessary vocabulary.
- Read about meaningful celebrations and expand useful phrases to discuss the topic.
Unit 5
In this unit students:
- Work with vocabulary focused on the body: wrist, complexion, pale etc.
- Revise the rules of the order of adjectives and compound adjectives reports and factual product literatura.
- Deal with all routine requests for goods or services from professio-learn how to talk about family resemblances and other similarities, e.g. to look like, to seem to be.
- Revise clothes vocabulary.
- Learn how to express degress: fairly, slightly or extremely and talk about ages: early, mid, late.
Unit 6
- In this unit students revise and consolidate the vocabulary, structures and pronunciation through a series of interactive exercises such as dialogue understanding, listening and repeating, dictation, dubbing the film, etc.
- They check their knowledge of common verbs and lexical fields from the previous lessons: appearances, ages, clothes, education, holidays and home life.
Unit 7
In this unit students:
- Get the ability to listen and respond politely to agree details of meetings and arrangements.
- Learn how to talk about typical duties and responsibilities at work.
- Practise making notes and write standard correspondence such anals and contacts.
- Listen to a few co-workers speak about a new network system they will be presenting.
- Reinforce general business vocabulary.
Unit 8
In this unit students learn:
- To contract services for the company and negotiate appropriate deals.
- Vocabulary in the area of car and life insurance, e.g. annuity, casualty, moral hazard etc.
- How to make a phone call to a potential new client regarding life insurance.
- Useful phrases to make a marketing plan.
Unit 9
In this unit students:
- Take part in a typical situation to learn new vocabulary (chemist’s).
- Interact in a dialogue about travelling and practise new vocabulary.
- Check their skills on active reading.
- Deal with a a cloze text with gaps about the secret of a sacred lake in Central America.